Thursday, June 9, 2011


"One shall not live by bread alone"... but I come pretty darn close! In fact, I recently estimated that I eat an average of six slices of bread per day! However, although a bit high, this is not unusual; I have always loved bread. Even in the USA, my default snack was a nice crispy piece (or two) of peanut butter toast.

But looking back, I realize I inhaled most of those pieces while leaning on the kitchen counter, in too much of a hurry to even sit down.

I don't eat my bread like that anymore.

I sit down. I take my time. And I pray before eating, thanking God for providing yet again, food for me to eat.

The Lord's Prayer says "give us this day our daily bread". I pray that just as my body is nourished and sustained by physical bread, my spiritual self will also be fed with the Word of God. I think of it like the spiritual version of "if I had a nickel every time I..."  If I pray every time I enjoy a slice of bread, I'll be talking to God a lot more. And that means that He'll probably talk back. The combination of eating and praying leads me to a more fulfilling relationship with God... and makes me feel a lot less guilty about indulging in another slice!

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