Monday, December 6, 2010


This Thanksgiving I had much to be thankful for. My experiences in Africa thus far have certainly opened my eyes to the larger global community, and I find myself truly grateful for the opportunity to embark on this accompaniment experience. Plus, I got to spend the day with my MUD3 family, playing soccer, swimming in an outdoor pool, and yes- even eating turkey, stuffing, and apple pie!

I am grateful for: 
G: Global Mission, allowing me to see the world and share it with you
R: Role Models, who inspire me to lead a life of service
A: Awareness of God's presence in my life
T: Time to reflect, grow, and live in the moment
E: English, which allows me to communicate with those around me
F: Family and Friends, both near and far
U: Understanding more about myself and the world in which I live
L: 'Love God, Love Your Neighbor', which is what got me here in the first place!

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